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Miller, W. (2003). Metaphors of identity and motifs of expression:
Clinical observations on international adoption and the use of the sand tray process in art therapy with internationally adopted children. In Betts, D. (ed.) Creative Arts Therapies Approaches in Adoption and Foster Care: Complementary Strategies for Working with Individuals and Families. New York: Charles C. Thomas Publ. 

Miller, W. (2003). Still searching for the ground of memory. In Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, vol. 5, Toronto, Canada: EGS Press. 

Miller, W., and Milliken, R. (2002). Pushing the experiential edge in therapy, training, and supervision: A case study of Create Therapy Institute’s experiential supervision program. In Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, vol. 4, Toronto, Canada, EGS Press. 

Milliken, R. (2002). Dance/movement therapy as a creative arts therapy approach in prison for the treatment of violence. In The Arts in Psychotherapy, vol. 29, pp. 203-206. 

Miller, W. (1997). Imagery, art, and health: Excerpts from a series of presentations on art as complementary medicine. In C.R.E.A.T.E., Journal of the Creative and Expressive Arts Therapy Exchange, vol. 6, Toronto, Canada: Palmerston Press.

Miller, W., (1996). Imagery, art, and health: Excerpts from a series of presentations on art as complementary medicine. Continuing education and self-study pamphlet in the educational video Healing Through Art. 

Miller, W. (1992). (dissertation). The experience of nine women living with chronic fatigue syndrome, as demonstrated through mental imagery, drawings, and verbal description. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, #9219128. TEL 800 521-0600.

Miller, W. (1991). Art as a therapeutic element in the healing process with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Rose Window: Newsletter of Healing Through Arts, Inc. 

Milliken, R. (1990). Dance/Movement therapy with the substance abuser. In The Arts in Psychotherapy, vol. 17, pp.309-317. 

Miller, W. (1988). Living with illness. In Pathways, Spring. 

Glendinning, C., Miller, W., Ulman, D. (1988). Living homeopathically on the planet. In The Elmwood Institute Newsletter, 4(4).

Miller, W. (1986). Mining the group mind. In Mindport: Journal of San Francisco State University School of Creative Arts, Fall. 

Miller, W., Partridge, L. (1978). Death rite, Womanspirit, 5(18). 


Miller, W. (1999). Book Review: Tending the Fire: Studies in Art, Therapy, and Creativity, written by Ellen Levine. In The Arts and Psychotherapy, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 277- 279.

Miller, W. (1999). Book Review: The Arts in Healthcare: A Palette of Possibilities, edited by Charles Kaye and Tony Blee. In American Journal of Art Therapy, vol. pp. 42- 43.

Milliken, R. (1997). Book Review: Life with Death, written by Tamar Hendel. In The Washington School of Psychiatry Newsletter.

Miller, W. (1990). Tape Review: Reclaiming the goddess. In Common Boundary, 3/4.

Miller, W. (1989). Book Review: Women healers among us: Imagery in Healing, written by Jeanne Achterberg and Addiction to Perfection, written by Marion Woodman. In Snakepower, 1(1). 

Miller, W. (1987). Book Review: Educating the Creative Arts Therapist, written by Shaun McNiff. In American Association of Artists Therapists Newsletter. 

Strategic Implications International. Healing Through Art: The Story of an Artist’s Experience with Lymphoma. Cogent Interactive Communications. 

Create Therapy Institute, (1992) Mind-Body Connections in Therapy: Perspectives From an Art Therapist, An Evening with Wendy Miller.

Create Therapy Institute, (1992) Body-Mind Connections in Therapy: Perspectives From a Dance/Movement Therapist, An Evening with Rebecca Milliken. 



Miller, P. (1992). My healing journey through Chronic Fatigue, Yoga Journal, 11/12.

Brancheau, D. (1990). Some ideas on the interface between art and therapy, Potomac Art Therapy Association Newsletter, 2(1). 

Framer, A. (1985). Sculptures show art as an artifact, Mindport: Journal of San Francisco State University School of Creative Arts, Fall. 

Clark, E. (1983). An Algerian Odyssey: Wendy Miller takes a look behind the veils, Waterville Morning Sentinel.

Ercegovic, M. (1982). Wendy Miller: Strategies for Standing, Women Artists News, 8(1). 

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